Total tested: 7 394 091


Learn more about yourself and your intellectual abilities! is a platform for assessing a person's intellectual abilities. The platform was established in 2020 to provide quantitative and accurate results, based on worldwide results collected over a long period. Read more about our assessment methodology in the blog.

IQ Global Test

What you should know about our platform

  • We offer an IQ test, after which you will receive a detailed result about your intellectual abilities.
  • The test is developed by a team of psychometricians taking into account the cultural characteristics of people (the test will be equally understandable for all cultures and places of residence). Get more info on the About Us page.
  • We offer our platform not only for individual use but also as a support service for hiring companies. Read more about our corporate solution.
7 394 091 users worldwide
Presented in 108 countries: 108 countries
Collaborate with 79+ companies: 79+ companies
Published in 320+ top media: 320+ top media