IQ Metrics
Welcome to the analytics section of World IQ Data. Below you will find data from all the studies conducted by our team. To explore, simply select the parameter you are interested in and review the data.
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Where is the data in the analytics sourced from?
All data in the analytics are sourced from our valued users and collaborating educational institutions. Upon completing the test, each user is presented with the opportunity to contribute further by answering additional questions related to various studies.
How often is the data in the analytics tables updated?
The data in the analytics tables is updated quarterly. You can find the date of the last update in the upper right corner of the page.
Can I use your data for my research or link to it from my website?
We are happy to consider any collaboration requests. Contact us at
Do you plan to expand the number of your studies?
Yes, we aim to regularly add new studies to our analytics. Some types of studies are already in the information collection stage and will be immediately added to this page upon reaching a certain level of user sampling.