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Last update: 09/10/2023 09:27 PM

Average IQ of Linux Device Users

Number of responses: 10000+
Average IQ: 104.46
Rank in Rating: 1
Table of the top 20 users in this category with IQ above 100.
# Country Users IQ
#1 maya jjohnson 152
#2 Piotr Sienkiewicz 152
#3 Adalbert Grünwald 148
#4 Haruki 147
#5 Aroha Te Whaiti 147
#6 KiwiAdv 140
#7 mathieu 140
#8 antonio 140
#9 Élise 138
#10 רחל כהן 138
#11 Mei Chen Wong 138
#12 William McKenzie 137
#13 Giovanni Francesco 137
#14 Friedrich von Hohenberg 137
#15 Sophia Oliveira 137
#16 Rio007 137
#17 Mason Taylor 137
#18 TokyoSamurai 137
#19 vlad Petrescu 137